Body Contouring Smart Lipo Atlantic Highlands NJ
Body Contouring Smart Lipo Atlantic Highlands NJ
Smart Lipo for body contouring, and fat reduction
Dr. Fretta offers a number of treatments for weight loss, and body contouring. His Smart Lipo procedures offer effective results with minimal down time for body sculpting, skin tightening of the body or face, and fat reduction.
What is Smart Lipo
SmartLIPO is a type of laser liposuction whereby a laser fiber is used to help melt away fat, making it easier to suction the fat away and providing smoother looking skin. The gentle heat of the laser offers the added benefit of tightened skin. SmartLIPO can be used on any area of the body including very small areas such as knees, ankles, armpit fat and under the chin.
What Results can be Expected
SmartLIPO laser liposuction destroys and removes fat cells, leaving you with fewer fat cells in the treated areas. Those fat cells will be prone to becoming filled with more fat if you continue to gain excessive weight. It is recommended to start a fitness and healthy eating routine after the procedure.
How many treatments are needed?
SmartLIPO laser liposuction, results are achieved in one procedure. This eliminates repeat procedures (as can happen with traditional liposuction- or Coolsculpting), resulting in a beautifully sculpted body the very first time.
How long is Recovery?
There is minimal down time with smartLIPO . Depending on the extent of sculpting it is typically very brief. Most patients can return to their normal routine in about two days.
Am I a good candidate for SmartLipo?
Almost everyone is a candidate when it comes to Smart Lipo . We recommend a consultation and reviewing the items below for more information:
If you have trouble areas such as love handles, chin waddle, muffin tops, bat wings, and saddle bags.
Smart Lipo is for you and can treat these areas to near perfection using this unique technique.
If you want to avoid being left with loose skin after the procedure. SmartLipo, gently heats the fat cells and triggers the collagen in the skin to contract, producing tighter, smoother skin, not loose skin.
If you are concerned with Saftey. This procedure is done under local anesthetic by Dr Joseph Fretta, with no risks associated with using general anesthesia. Additionally, it seals blood vessels as it destroys the fat cells, leaving you with very little blood loss and minimal bruising. Dr Fretta performs SmartLipo procedures in his West Orange Treatment Center and has over 20 years experience of successful treatments.
Dr. Fretta’s Total Vein and Rejuvenation Center is considered one of the best vein treatment facilities in the country. Dr. Fretta treats patients who suffer from large varicose veins to the smallest spider veins on the body and face. He is a specialist in vein treatment, facial cosmetic surgery, and body contouring. Procedures he offers include; Smart Laser Lipo Suction, Body Contouring, Face Rejuvenation using Botox & Fillers, Laser Wrinkle Removal, PRP (Platelet-rich Plasma), Sclerotherapy, and Ambulatory Phlebectomy (micro vein surgery).